Ensembl ID ENSG00000261150 Gene ID 83481 Accession 15577
Gene Symbol EPPK1 Alias EPIPL;EPIPL1 Full Name epiplakin 1
Position 8 : 143857324 - 143878467 Length 21144 bases Strand Minus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsN.A.RBP type Non-canonical_RBPs
Summary The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the plakin family of proteins, which play a role in the organization of cytoskeletal architecture. This family member is composed of several highly homologous plakin repeats. It may function to maintain the integrity of keratin intermediate filament networks in epithelial cells. Studies of the orthologous mouse protein suggest that it accelerates keratinocyte migration during wound healing. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2013]

ENSG00000261150 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 1.04 1.05e-15 BRCA
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 3.35 5.85e-29 LIHC
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 AML 23134780
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 cancers 29023197
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 cancer 29587367
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 Cancer 29950347
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 MESO 0.0049 high
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 SARC 0.019 low
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 STAD 0.013 low
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 CHOL 0.021 low
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 UVM 7e-04 low
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 PAAD 0.00038 high
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 THCA 0.0042 low
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 ACC 0.0081 high
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 LGG 0.04 high
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 LUSC 0.029 high
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 HNSC 0.006 low
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 READ 0.015 low
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 KIRP 0.00033 low
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 KICH 0.036 high
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 COAD 0.012 low
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 DLBC 0.019 high
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 KIRC 0.00036 low
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 BLCA 0.012 low
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 LAML 0.011 low
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 GBM 0.021 high
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 LIHC 0.024 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 LUSC Amp 7.921011 0.362522 0.582470 0.658683
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 LUAD Amp 6.207216 0.222454 0.623214 0.569767
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 LGG Amp 10.971340 0.160031 0.701236 0.177388
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 LGG Del 1.685039 0.049384 0.554899 0.052632
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 CESC Amp 2.979236 0.211316 0.634779 0.406780
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 READ Amp 3.595480 0.253176 0.831380 0.624242
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 COAD Amp 5.805710 0.153305 0.773983 0.556541
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 PAAD Amp 2.279447 0.134298 0.435665 0.353261
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 ESCA Amp 4.694906 0.463290 0.707444 0.663043
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 SKCM Amp 4.353501 0.226150 0.772184 0.523161
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 HNSC Amp 9.977552 0.277564 0.610609 0.718391
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 LIHC Amp 17.136580 0.385203 1.179229 0.594595
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 DLBC Amp 1.416472 0.258396 0.609102 0.291667
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 BLCA Amp 2.825492 0.234345 0.584735 0.585784
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 BRCA Amp 32.313953 0.437062 1.006613 0.570370
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 STAD Amp 4.270147 0.222638 0.594288 0.637188
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 PRAD Amp 1.261535 0.053984 0.694419 0.274390
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 UCEC Amp 1.800103 0.128868 0.742651 0.335807
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 UVM Amp 11.732583 0.660526 1.518657 0.762500
ENSG00000261150 EPPK1 OV Amp 105.008078 1.535013 1.237585 0.756477