Ensembl ID ENSG00000196365 Gene ID 9361 Accession 9479
Gene Symbol LONP1 Alias LON;LONP;PIM1;hLON;LonHS;CODASS;PRSS15 Full Name lon peptidase 1, mitochondrial
Position 19 : 5691834 - 5720572 Length 28739 bases Strand Minus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsdiverseRBP type Non-canonical_RBPs
Summary This gene encodes a mitochondrial matrix protein that belongs to the Lon family of ATP-dependent proteases. This protein mediates the selective degradation of misfolded, unassembled or oxidatively damaged polypeptides in the mitochondrial matrix. It may also have a chaperone function in the assembly of inner membrane protein complexes, and participate in the regulation of mitochondrial gene expression and maintenance of the integrity of the mitochondrial genome. Decreased expression of this gene has been noted in a patient with hereditary spastic paraplegia (PMID:18378094). Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Feb 2013]

ENSG00000196365 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 0.63 6.77e-22 BRCA
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 0.85 1.70e-12 COAD
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 1.40 1.53e-43 KICH
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 0.66 3.54e-14 LUSC
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 -2.2 6.08e-11 PCPG
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 1.06 1.41e-16 UCEC
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 tumor 25017063
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 cancer 27308364
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 GBM 27764809
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 cancer 30120231
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 Pancreatic Cancer 31091208
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 cancer 31387295
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 MESO 0.025 high
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 STAD 0.011 low
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 CHOL 0.033 high
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 PAAD 0.0081 low
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 ACC 0.028 high
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 LUSC 0.0016 low
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 BRCA 0.0015 high
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 COAD 0.047 low
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 DLBC 0.032 low
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 KIRC 0.033 high
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 BLCA 0.048 high
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 SKCM 0.0014 high
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 LIHC 0.0026 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 LUSC Del 2.752573 0.091625 0.341155 0.405190
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 LUAD Del 1.838450 0.065672 0.345319 0.538760
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 CESC Del 10.003789 0.176160 0.463930 0.345763
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 UCS Del 6.788839 0.556791 0.602432 0.696429
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 PAAD Del 1.993935 0.071196 0.350948 0.179348
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 ESCA Del 1.170607 0.110030 0.329148 0.472826
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 HNSC Del 5.643518 0.096443 0.332222 0.285441
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 LIHC Del 4.675987 0.117921 0.461135 0.232432
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 BLCA Del 2.250772 0.101896 0.324664 0.345588
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 BRCA Del 2.859965 0.080497 0.358436 0.261111
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 STAD Del 2.027184 0.078805 0.352746 0.349206
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 UCEC Del 33.135911 0.221552 0.587595 0.256030
ENSG00000196365 LONP1 OV Del 67.562949 0.651834 0.635937 0.706390