Ensembl ID ENSG00000182173 Gene ID 283989 Accession 27561
Gene Symbol TSEN54 Alias PCH4;PCH5;PCH2A;sen54;SEN54L Full Name tRNA splicing endonuclease subunit 54
Position 17 : 75516060 - 75524735 Length 8676 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAstRNARBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary This gene encodes a subunit of the tRNA splicing endonuclease complex, which catalyzes the removal of introns from precursor tRNAs. The complex is also implicated in pre-mRNA 3-prime end processing. Mutations in this gene result in pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 2.[provided by RefSeq, Oct 2009]

ENSG00000182173 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 1.26 4.26e-76 BRCA
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 0.64 8.96e-13 COAD
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 0.87 3.88e-26 LUSC
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 1.03 4.81e-26 LIHC
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 0.91 5.73e-18 UCEC
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 0.79 5.89e-26 LUAD
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 SARC 0.032 high
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 STAD 0.00011 low
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 CHOL 0.039 low
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 UVM 0.014 low
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 UCEC 0.0049 high
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 THCA 0.02 low
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 LGG 0.0063 high
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 LUSC 0.037 low
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 HNSC 0.0021 low
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 READ 0.0027 low
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 THYM 0.04 low
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 BRCA 0.0049 low
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 KIRC 7e-04 high
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 BLCA 0.00018 low
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 CESC 0.0023 low
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 LUSC Amp 2.548085 0.250397 0.460984 0.471058
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 LUAD Amp 3.037386 0.170037 0.411065 0.498062
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 LGG Amp 4.107918 0.089248 0.644158 0.083821
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 CESC Amp 3.629103 0.229483 0.693772 0.237288
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 UCS Amp 2.781769 0.799614 0.939192 0.535714
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 GBM Amp 1.680774 0.085566 0.464948 0.142114
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 PAAD Del 3.747687 0.098262 0.356137 0.228261
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 ESCA Amp 1.711421 0.321840 0.545436 0.391304
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 SKCM Amp 6.023631 0.267982 0.567071 0.348774
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 LIHC Amp 8.209290 0.261581 0.659225 0.386486
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 BLCA Amp 2.032497 0.210640 0.463082 0.475490
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 BRCA Amp 24.826935 0.385319 0.664889 0.375926
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 STAD Amp 0.822027 0.134695 0.437315 0.217687
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 UCEC Amp 8.235356 0.225408 0.661090 0.189239
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 UVM Amp 0.739547 0.167808 0.818139 0.162500
ENSG00000182173 TSEN54 OV Amp 1.928430 0.372140 0.568384 0.336788