Ensembl ID ENSG00000181588 Gene ID 399664 Accession 16734
Gene Symbol MEX3D Alias MEX3;TINO;RKHD1;MEX-3D;RNF193;OK/SW-cl.4 Full Name mex-3 RNA binding family member D
Position 19 : 1554672 - 1568325 Length 13654 bases Strand Minus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsmRNARBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary Enables mRNA 3'-UTR AU-rich region binding activity. Located in nucleus and perinuclear region of cytoplasm. [provided by Alliance of Genome Resources, Apr 2022]

ENSG00000181588 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D 0.63 7.07e-18 KIRC
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D 0.60 6.62e-11 HNSC
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D 0.89 1.17e-46 BRCA
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D 1.26 4.98e-23 COAD
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D 1.16 1.21e-27 LUSC
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D 0.80 1.83e-27 PRAD
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D 0.82 1.09e-16 LUAD
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D tumor 22434940
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D Cancer 24885513
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D tumor 29486795
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D ovarian cancer 29548303
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D SARC 0.0019 high
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D STAD 0.045 low
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D UVM 0.00064 low
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D UCEC 0.015 low
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D ACC 0.0024 high
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D HNSC 0.016 low
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D KIRP 0.00058 high
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D KICH 0.011 low
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D LUAD 0.014 high
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D PCPG 0.043 high
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D COAD 0.011 low
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D ESCA 0.03 low
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D KIRC 0.011 high
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D PRAD 0.0071 high
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D TGCT 0.027 low
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D BLCA 0.01 low
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D LUSC Del 8.322981 0.138951 0.357784 0.457086
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D LUAD Del 4.609759 0.090011 0.354398 0.538760
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D CESC Del 14.491941 0.212860 0.494496 0.349153
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D READ Del 0.635674 0.068240 0.352942 0.206061
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D COAD Del 3.592716 0.070096 0.414806 0.139690
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D UCS Del 11.710968 0.761722 0.620113 0.767857
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D SARC Del 3.664419 0.192518 0.465321 0.210117
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D PAAD Del 1.892548 0.068842 0.357761 0.190217
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D ESCA Del 3.672963 0.171223 0.350387 0.516304
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D SKCM Del 1.766513 0.083190 0.349689 0.277929
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D THCA Del 0.928265 0.010197 0.645448 0.012024
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D HNSC Del 14.474139 0.144976 0.362260 0.325670
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D LIHC Del 6.817530 0.139281 0.464365 0.245946
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D BLCA Del 6.041001 0.144088 0.344040 0.352941
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D BRCA Del 33.702923 0.186657 0.412760 0.336111
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D STAD Del 2.731171 0.086907 0.360236 0.349206
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D UCEC Del 46.695270 0.272370 0.601221 0.280148
ENSG00000181588 MEX3D OV Del 138.868764 0.954377 0.661714 0.886010