Ensembl ID ENSG00000173193 Gene ID 54625 Accession 29232
Gene Symbol PARP14 Alias BAL2;ARTD8;pART8;PARP-14 Full Name poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 14
Position 3 : 122680839 - 122730840 Length 50002 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsN.A.RBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary This gene encodes a member of the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) protein family. The encoded anti-apoptotic protein may regulate aerobic glycolysis and promote survival of cancer cells. Increased expression of this gene has been reported in a variety of tumor types. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2016]

ENSG00000173193 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 0.95 6.83e-37 KIRC
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 1.32 1.35e-24 HNSC
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 0.77 1.88e-18 BRCA
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 0.75 9.96e-14 KIRP
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 1.26 1.58e-20 STAD
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 tumor 17875708
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 cancer 23590234
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 DLBCL 24886089
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 cancer 26258887
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 DLBCL 26654227
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 cancer 27308628
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 tumor 27918638
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 cancer 28315326
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 lung cancer 28546520
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 cancer 29616088
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 cancer 30112992
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 cancer 30487597
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 cancers 30890936
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 pancreatic cancer 30968979
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 cancer 30991935
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 cancer 31130919
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 MESO 0.014 low
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 SARC 0.00063 low
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 STAD 0.0041 low
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 UVM 0.023 high
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 PAAD 0.00024 high
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 UCEC 0.00025 high
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 THCA 0.0016 low
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 ACC 0.011 low
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 LUSC 0.026 high
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 HNSC 0.0026 low
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 READ 0.03 high
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 KIRP 0.001 high
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 THYM 0.00042 high
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 DLBC 0.027 high
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 KIRC 0.0025 high
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 TGCT 0.026 low
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 BLCA 0.0023 low
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 LAML 0.00058 high
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 CESC 0.0065 low
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000173193 PARP14 GBM Del 1.876796 0.066047 0.501070 0.105719