Ensembl ID ENSG00000171311 Gene ID 51013 Accession 17286
Gene Symbol EXOSC1 Alias p13;CSL4;SKI4;Csl4p;PCH1F;Ski4p;CGI-108 Full Name exosome component 1
Position 10 : 97435909 - 97446017 Length 10109 bases Strand Minus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsdiverseRBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary This gene encodes a core component of the exosome. The mammalian exosome is required for rapid degradation of AU rich element-containing RNAs but not for poly(A) shortening. The association of this protein with the exosome is mediated by protein-protein interactions with ribosomal RNA-processing protein 42 and ribosomal RNA-processing protein 46. Alternative splicing of this gene results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Jan 2016]

ENSG00000171311 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 0.51 1.22e-27 BRCA
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 0.52 3.40e-14 LUSC
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 0.64 2.46e-12 UCEC
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 0.59 6.59e-21 LUAD
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 SARC 0.0025 high
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 STAD 0.039 low
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 UVM 0.0036 high
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 UCEC 0.008 low
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 THCA 0.011 low
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 LUSC 0.0095 low
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 HNSC 0.013 high
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 READ 0.00023 high
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 KIRP 7e-04 high
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 THYM 0.05 low
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 BRCA 0.011 low
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 ESCA 0.025 high
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 BLCA 0.047 low
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 LAML 0.024 low
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 GBM 0.0067 low
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 SKCM 0.046 high
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 CESC 0.0047 low
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 LIHC 0.005 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 LUSC Del 1.197372 0.073041 0.360708 0.528942
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 LGG Del 1.247339 0.044952 0.557549 0.222222
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 CESC Del 0.727877 0.067161 0.438612 0.298305
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 COAD Del 6.966901 0.094102 0.397102 0.232816
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 GBM Del 0.835212 0.053663 0.694881 0.875217
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 HNSC Del 1.054167 0.058695 0.341330 0.256705
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 LIHC Del 0.605003 0.063203 0.471823 0.262162
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 BLCA Del 1.468500 0.090221 0.391538 0.409314
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 BRCA Del 3.141902 0.082301 0.373442 0.293519
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 STAD Del 2.701978 0.086661 0.372357 0.233560
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 PRAD Del 3.373771 0.101663 0.441744 0.168699
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 UCEC Del 6.154104 0.096615 0.550540 0.142857
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 MESO Del 1.599660 0.160531 0.495729 0.333333
ENSG00000171311 EXOSC1 OV Del 13.839673 0.334144 0.564284 0.424870