Ensembl ID ENSG00000170889 Gene ID 6203 Accession 10442
Gene Symbol RPS9 Alias S9;uS4 Full Name ribosomal protein S9
Position 19 : 54200858 - 54249003 Length 48146 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsrRNARBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary Ribosomes, the organelles that catalyze protein synthesis, consist of a small 40S subunit and a large 60S subunit. Together these subunits are composed of 4 RNA species and approximately 80 structurally distinct proteins. This gene encodes a ribosomal protein that is a component of the 40S subunit. The protein belongs to the S4P family of ribosomal proteins. It is located in the cytoplasm. Variable expression of this gene in colorectal cancers compared to adjacent normal tissues has been observed, although no correlation between the level of expression and the severity of the disease has been found. As is typical for genes encoding ribosomal proteins, multiple processed pseudogenes derived from this gene are dispersed through the genome. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

ENSG00000170889 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 0.66 7.41e-15 KIRC
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 tumour 11953881
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 GBMs 16212813
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 tumor 16215318
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 breast cancer 18382789
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 tumor 20221446
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 GBM 21234290
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 tumor 23285058
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 colon cancer 24009741
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 cancer 28505145
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 tumor 28928861
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 MESO 0.038 low
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 UVM 0.0012 low
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 UCEC 0.00086 low
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 ACC 1e-04 high
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 LGG 0.049 low
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 READ 0.0085 low
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 KICH 0.0049 high
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 BRCA 0.0013 low
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 UCS 0.039 high
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 OV 0.041 high
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 KIRC 0.0038 high
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 BLCA 0.015 low
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 LAML 0.0036 high
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 GBM 0.02 low
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 LGG Del 24.853734 0.173688 0.664985 0.530214
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 CESC Amp 0.871705 0.135263 0.586661 0.315254
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 SARC Del 2.203547 0.161766 0.433623 0.315175
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 GBM Del 9.417180 0.121775 0.523820 0.147314
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 TGCT Del 1.074585 0.064959 0.340103 0.380000
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 BLCA Amp 1.137569 0.180607 0.471518 0.394608
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 BRCA Amp 0.925164 0.150095 0.505944 0.249074
ENSG00000170889 RPS9 OV Del 8.144006 0.281788 0.567318 0.457686