Ensembl ID ENSG00000167986 Gene ID 1642 Accession 2717
Gene Symbol DDB1 Alias XPE;DDBA;XAP1;XPCE;XPE-BF;UV-DDB1;WHIKERS Full Name damage specific DNA binding protein 1
Position 11 : 61299451 - 61342596 Length 43146 bases Strand Minus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsN.A.RBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary The protein encoded by this gene is the large subunit (p127) of the heterodimeric DNA damage-binding (DDB) complex while another protein (p48) forms the small subunit. This protein complex functions in nucleotide-excision repair and binds to DNA following UV damage. Defective activity of this complex causes the repair defect in patients with xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group E (XPE) - an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by photosensitivity and early onset of carcinomas. However, it remains for mutation analysis to demonstrate whether the defect in XPE patients is in this gene or the gene encoding the small subunit. In addition, Best vitelliform mascular dystrophy is mapped to the same region as this gene on 11q, but no sequence alternations of this gene are demonstrated in Best disease patients. The protein encoded by this gene also functions as an adaptor molecule for the cullin 4 (CUL4) ubiquitin E3 ligase complex by facilitating the binding of substrates to this complex and the ubiquitination of proteins. [provided by RefSeq, May 2012]

ENSG00000167986 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 -0.5 3.34e-23 KIRC
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 0.32 1.28e-12 BRCA
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 0.84 1.03e-19 KICH
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumors 15381102
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumors 15514059
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumor 16861890
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 malignant adrenocortical tumors 18324346
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumor 18381890
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 breast cancer 19522845
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 cancer 19723642
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumor 21135245
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumor 21205828
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumor 2201976
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumor 22134138
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 liver cancer 22384083
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumor 22910413
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 cancer 22951983
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumor 2333286
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 ovarian cancers 23995842
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumor 24147083
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumour 24522884
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumor 25361011
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 Lung cancer 28211159
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 prostate cancer 28212551
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 cancer 28446751
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 ovarian cancer 29130659
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 ovarian cancer 29156803
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumor 29499938
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 breast cancer 29846670
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 cancer 30590706
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 ovarian cancer 30718461
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumor 30791110
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 cancer 31409387
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 tumor 31598391
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 cancers 31842285
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 SARC 0.00044 high
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 UVM 0.03 low
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 PAAD 0.0088 high
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 ACC 0.00094 high
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 HNSC 0.012 low
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 READ 0.0055 low
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 LUAD 0.036 high
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 COAD 0.014 low
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 DLBC 0.039 low
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 BLCA 0.00084 high
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 LAML 0.022 high
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 GBM 0.021 low
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 SKCM 0.018 high
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 LIHC 0.01 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 HNSC Amp 0.951181 0.122792 0.402091 0.227969
ENSG00000167986 DDB1 BRCA Amp 0.693448 0.144935 0.499616 0.189815