Ensembl ID ENSG00000165799 Gene ID 84659 Accession 19278
Gene Symbol RNASE7 Alias RAE1 Full Name ribonuclease A family member 7
Position 14 : 21042316 - 21044234 Length 1919 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsdiverseRBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the pancreatic ribonuclease family, a subset of the ribonuclease A superfamily. The protein has broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2014]

ENSG00000165799 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 -2.5 2.58e-34 BRCA
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 5.33 5.93e-55 LUSC
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 -5.0 1.76e-15 STAD
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 tumour 22709331
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 tumor 22808251
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 cancer 30266096
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 MESO 0.00082 high
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 CHOL 0.046 low
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 UVM 0.015 high
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 PAAD 0.018 high
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 ACC 0.02 low
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 HNSC 0.039 high
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 READ 0.025 low
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 KIRP 0.039 high
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 THYM 0.015 low
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 BRCA 0.013 low
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 SKCM 0.0034 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 LUSC Del 1.511417 0.077147 0.362851 0.349301
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 LUAD Amp 1.100540 0.127967 0.416516 0.319767
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 KIRP Del 1.349945 0.033457 0.546491 0.173611
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 ACC Amp 0.943389 0.280808 1.069962 0.311111
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 READ Del 1.005004 0.080707 0.491519 0.418182
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 GBM Del 5.435655 0.095881 0.598149 0.296360
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 PAAD Del 0.945549 0.050602 0.424627 0.108696
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 HNSC Del 1.190949 0.060147 0.413777 0.136015
ENSG00000165799 RNASE7 OV Amp 5.185300 0.454845 0.848658 0.255613