Ensembl ID ENSG00000160679 Gene ID 26097 Accession 24511
Gene Symbol CHTOP Alias FOP;SRAG;SRAG-3;SRAG-5;pp7704;C1orf77;FL-SRAG;C10orf77 Full Name chromatin target of PRMT1
Position 1 : 153633982 - 153646306 Length 12325 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsmRNARBP type Non-canonical_RBPs
Summary This gene encodes a small nuclear protein that is characterized by an arginine and glycine rich region. This protein may have an important role in the regulation of fetal globin gene expression and in the activation of estrogen-responsive genes. A recent study reported that this protein binds 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) and associates with an arginine methyltransferase complex (methylosome), which promotes methylation of arginine 3 of histone H4 (H4R3) and activation of genes involved in glioblastomagenesis. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been described for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2015]

ENSG00000160679 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP 0.57 1.43e-49 BRCA
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP 0.33 2.05e-13 COAD
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP -0.7 5.14e-38 KICH
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP 0.55 3.40e-22 LUSC
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP 0.56 2.08e-21 LIHC
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP 0.55 5.71e-24 LUAD
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP cancer 25284789
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP lung cancer 25384085
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP tumor 27679854
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP GBM 29623275
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP ovarian cancer 30910850
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP Epithelial Ovarian Cancer 31380263
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP MESO 0.0045 high
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP SARC 0.0075 high
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP STAD 0.018 low
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP UCEC 0.026 high
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP LGG 0.0019 high
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP HNSC 0.034 low
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP KICH 0.021 high
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP PCPG 0.015 low
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP THYM 0.0027 low
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP COAD 0.01 high
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP UCS 0.0011 low
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP ESCA 0.0016 high
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP DLBC 0.042 low
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP KIRC 0.0084 high
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP TGCT 0.013 high
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP BLCA 0.00014 low
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP GBM 0.017 low
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP LIHC 0.00059 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP CHOL Amp 0.963900 0.488645 1.029314 0.611111
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP LUSC Amp 3.507121 0.273960 0.551237 0.526946
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP LUAD Amp 21.219646 0.408780 0.610549 0.742248
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP CESC Amp 2.712063 0.201679 0.621250 0.532203
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP READ Amp 1.357261 0.159213 0.625018 0.284848
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP UCS Amp 1.433546 0.611006 0.795535 0.678571
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP SARC Amp 5.688447 0.479265 0.755446 0.400778
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP ESCA Amp 0.727737 0.261147 0.491940 0.494565
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP SKCM Amp 3.584569 0.205822 0.692047 0.547684
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP LIHC Amp 19.079322 0.414481 0.903419 0.748649
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP PCPG Amp 3.529273 0.141486 0.711045 0.185185
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP TGCT Amp 0.843213 0.123321 0.448530 0.453333
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP DLBC Amp 0.878931 0.205051 0.637954 0.229167
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP BLCA Amp 12.434869 0.434060 0.618245 0.477941
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP BRCA Amp 20.761959 0.355251 0.791759 0.722222
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP STAD Amp 3.151466 0.197435 0.478569 0.367347
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP PRAD Amp 1.748114 0.060651 0.565908 0.079268
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP UCEC Amp 10.554335 0.253007 0.893234 0.443414
ENSG00000160679 CHTOP OV Amp 13.126019 0.597675 0.745689 0.620035