Ensembl ID ENSG00000142676 Gene ID 6135 Accession 10301
Gene Symbol RPL11 Alias L11;uL5;DBA7;GIG34 Full Name ribosomal protein L11
Position 1 : 23691742 - 23696835 Length 5094 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsrRNARBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary Ribosomes, the organelles that catalyze protein synthesis, consist of a small 40S subunit and a large 60S subunit. Together these subunits are composed of 4 RNA species and approximately 80 structurally distinct proteins. This gene encodes a ribosomal protein that is a component of the 60S subunit. The protein belongs to the L5P family of ribosomal proteins. It is located in the cytoplasm. The protein probably associates with the 5S rRNA. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. As is typical for genes encoding ribosomal proteins, there are multiple processed pseudogenes of this gene dispersed through the genome. [provided by RefSeq, Dec 2010]

ENSG00000142676 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 0.73 8.61e-28 KIRC
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 -0.5 2.04e-14 BRCA
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumor 20221446
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 cancer 20832751
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumor 21804542
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 cancer 23671674
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 gastric cancer 24045667
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumor 24061479
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumor 24120868
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumor 24141778
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 cancer 24704832
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumor 24710530
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumour 25867069
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumor 26220995
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 cancer 26489471
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumor 26697512
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 colorectal cancer 26892688
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumor 27517747
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 colonic tumor 27617574
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumor 27856536
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumor 28099941
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 cancer 28147343
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 cancer 28722511
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumor 29991511
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 cancers 30105457
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 breast cancer 30320499
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 cancer 31022952
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumour 31268599
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 tumour 31545368
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 cancer 31712650
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 colorectal cancer 31903119
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 MESO 0.0016 low
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 SARC 0.0079 high
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 CHOL 0.011 high
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 UVM 0.011 low
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 UCEC 0.028 low
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 ACC 0.00035 high
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 LUSC 0.035 low
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 READ 0.018 high
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 KIRP 0.019 high
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 LUAD 0.034 low
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 BRCA 0.00026 low
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 KIRC 0.021 high
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 TGCT 0.0018 high
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 SKCM 0.036 low
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 CESC 0.042 high
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 LIHC 0.0035 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 CHOL Del 20.925358 1.061598 0.678521 0.805556
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 LUSC Del 4.891566 0.112155 0.385920 0.449102
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 LUAD Del 1.190356 0.058119 0.293604 0.244186
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 CESC Del 1.698518 0.086245 0.447045 0.115254
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 KIRP Del 6.500312 0.076312 0.594947 0.177083
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 READ Del 8.427793 0.206688 0.447014 0.448485
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 COAD Del 19.201832 0.164438 0.453206 0.365854
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 GBM Del 7.939126 0.112581 0.555459 0.100520
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 PAAD Del 2.386413 0.077080 0.347250 0.326087
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 ESCA Del 0.886991 0.102381 0.343360 0.358696
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 SKCM Del 2.750376 0.096760 0.452819 0.198910
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 HNSC Del 2.219857 0.070517 0.363036 0.178161
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 LIHC Del 16.076445 0.209800 0.542116 0.375676
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 PCPG Del 2.010176 0.085543 0.674895 0.623457
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 BLCA Del 0.668914 0.075892 0.314154 0.188725
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 BRCA Del 32.900626 0.184552 0.424941 0.408333
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 STAD Del 4.598662 0.104828 0.356004 0.260771
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 UCEC Del 10.123096 0.120919 0.497575 0.139147
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 MESO Del 3.592314 0.227730 0.527430 0.321839
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 KIRC Del 7.031284 0.055158 0.419977 0.181818
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 UVM Del 2.306078 0.116385 0.819526 0.312500
ENSG00000142676 RPL11 OV Del 25.438129 0.419971 0.548175 0.431779