Ensembl ID ENSG00000136104 Gene ID 79621 Accession 25671
Gene Symbol RNASEH2B Alias AGS2;DLEU8 Full Name ribonuclease H2 subunit B
Position 13 : 50909747 - 51024120 Length 114374 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsdiverseRBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary RNase H2 is composed of a single catalytic subunit (A) and two non-catalytic subunits (B and C) and specifically degrades the RNA of RNA:DNA hybrids. The protein encoded by this gene is the non-catalytic B subunit of RNase H2, which is thought to play a role in DNA replication. Multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. Defects in this gene are a cause of Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome type 2 (AGS2). [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2008]

ENSG00000136104 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B 0.85 7.32e-18 COAD
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B -0.4 6.82e-11 PRAD
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B cancer 26603688
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B colorectal cancer 27988520
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B tumor 29030706
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B metastatic prostate cancer 29973717
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B colorectal tumor 30273559
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B Cancer 30532030
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B SARC 0.0045 low
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B UVM 0.00052 high
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B UCEC 0.05 high
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B THCA 0.014 low
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B LGG 0.038 low
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B READ 0.013 high
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B KIRP 0.0049 high
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B KICH 0.014 high
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B LUAD 0.04 low
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B THYM 0.00031 low
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B BRCA 0.038 low
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B COAD 0.016 low
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B ESCA 0.022 high
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B OV 0.028 high
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B DLBC 0.0067 low
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B KIRC 0.00013 high
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B PRAD 0.03 low
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B LAML 0.00019 low
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B SKCM 0.00022 low
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B LUSC Del 5.417939 0.116909 0.386877 0.686627
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B LUAD Del 1.832460 0.065463 0.325267 0.536822
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B LGG Del 8.261839 0.094758 0.469035 0.280702
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B CESC Del 14.738907 0.214695 0.488799 0.393220
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B SARC Del 28.744018 0.502990 0.676299 0.680934
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B GBM Del 20.145467 0.178816 0.591079 0.431542
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B THCA Del 1.956122 0.016055 0.600533 0.038076
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B HNSC Del 9.901735 0.121124 0.407398 0.406130
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B LIHC Del 25.326114 0.269785 0.616225 0.478378
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B DLBC Del 0.707315 0.124054 0.570095 0.145833
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B BLCA Del 28.457525 0.301178 0.487248 0.370098
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B BRCA Del 18.801328 0.144955 0.498885 0.459259
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B PRAD Del 65.639341 0.386189 0.541110 0.445122
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B MESO Del 1.053172 0.138131 0.465176 0.471264
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B KIRC Del 0.746692 0.024811 0.358704 0.155303
ENSG00000136104 RNASEH2B OV Del 6.487389 0.264024 0.634400 0.621762