Ensembl ID ENSG00000120688 Gene ID 11193 Accession 12739
Gene Symbol WBP4 Alias FBP21 Full Name WW domain binding protein 4
Position 13 : 41061509 - 41084006 Length 22498 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsmRNARBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary This gene encodes WW domain-containing binding protein 4. The WW domain represents a small and compact globular structure that interacts with proline-rich ligands. This encoded protein is a general spliceosomal protein that may play a role in cross-intron bridging of U1 and U2 snRNPs in the spliceosomal complex A. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

ENSG00000120688 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 -0.7 1.29e-63 BRCA
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 -0.4 4.09e-11 LUSC
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 -0.5 1.52e-22 PRAD
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 -0.8 1.04e-18 UCEC
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 -0.5 8.15e-21 LUAD
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 colon tumor 22822423
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 MESO 0.043 low
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 STAD 0.025 low
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 CHOL 0.014 high
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 PAAD 0.0046 low
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 UCEC 0.018 high
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 THCA 0.00045 low
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 ACC 0.025 low
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 LGG 0.0082 low
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 HNSC 0.00027 high
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 KIRP 0.017 low
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 LUAD 0.00054 low
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 THYM 0.0054 low
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 ESCA 0.045 high
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 OV 0.017 low
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 TGCT 0.00062 high
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 GBM 0.035 low
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 SKCM 0.0042 low
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 CESC 0.0028 high
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 LIHC 0.00085 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 LUSC Del 4.744454 0.110642 0.383414 0.686627
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 LUAD Del 3.183017 0.078471 0.332791 0.563953
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 LGG Del 2.272152 0.054660 0.445731 0.267057
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 CESC Del 17.946676 0.239284 0.505600 0.389831
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 READ Amp 1.419026 0.162955 1.046644 0.703030
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 COAD Amp 6.321103 0.161068 0.907619 0.594235
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 UCS Del 1.016931 0.230063 0.484764 0.535714
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 SARC Del 8.201539 0.267924 0.604054 0.587549
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 GBM Del 8.804974 0.117834 0.575915 0.389948
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 THCA Del 1.406566 0.012367 0.613679 0.034068
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 HNSC Del 15.796755 0.151405 0.412368 0.434866
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 LIHC Del 16.969307 0.216530 0.600468 0.435135
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 BLCA Del 13.880382 0.208304 0.455897 0.328431
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 BRCA Del 19.437967 0.146960 0.498360 0.452778
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 STAD Amp 1.750376 0.163077 0.559790 0.387755
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 PRAD Del 60.125873 0.366605 0.534943 0.420732
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 UCEC Del 1.235923 0.055036 0.536179 0.192950
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 MESO Del 1.520730 0.158042 0.474893 0.482759
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 KIRC Del 0.746692 0.024811 0.360297 0.155303
ENSG00000120688 WBP4 OV Del 5.892834 0.257293 0.633947 0.625216