Ensembl ID ENSG00000112739 Gene ID 8899 Accession 17346
Gene Symbol PRPF4B Alias PR4H;PRP4;PRP4H;PRP4K;Prp4B;dJ1013A10.1 Full Name pre-mRNA processing factor 4B
Position 6 : 4021267 - 4064983 Length 43717 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAssnRNARBP type Non-canonical_RBPs
Summary Pre-mRNA splicing occurs in two sequential transesterification steps, and the protein encoded by this gene is thought to be involved in pre-mRNA splicing and in signal transduction. This protein belongs to a kinase family that includes serine/arginine-rich protein-specific kinases and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). This protein is regarded as a CDK-like kinase (Clk) with homology to mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

ENSG00000112739 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B cancer 24003220
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B ovarian cancer 25602630
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B hepatocellular cancer 25868860
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B cancer 26098145
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B breast cancer 26712520
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B ovarian cancer 28892043
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B breast cancer 29695716
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B tumors 31278301
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B SARC 0.0011 high
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B THCA 0.01 high
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B ACC 0.028 high
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B LGG 0.034 high
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B LUSC 0.044 low
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B HNSC 0.0028 low
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B READ 0.011 low
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B KIRP 0.016 high
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B KICH 0.0058 high
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B LUAD 0.01 low
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B THYM 0.0047 low
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B COAD 0.038 low
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B OV 0.0027 low
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B KIRC 0.037 low
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B LAML 0.0041 low
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B GBM 0.0025 low
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B SKCM 0.0028 low
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B LIHC 6e-04 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B LUSC Del 1.913223 0.082117 0.356437 0.261477
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B THYM Del 1.199597 0.051052 0.403903 0.211382
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B SARC Del 1.379796 0.141545 0.517093 0.319066
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B PAAD Del 2.589133 0.080610 0.354548 0.402174
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B ESCA Del 6.457451 0.224768 0.445787 0.342391
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B SKCM Amp 6.017999 0.267376 0.757760 0.572207
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B HNSC Del 0.642475 0.053303 0.362107 0.178161
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B LIHC Amp 3.233582 0.172766 0.760787 0.416216
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B BLCA Amp 1.740199 0.201526 0.476730 0.289216
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B BLCA Del 1.331161 0.088098 0.377105 0.210784
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B BRCA Del 4.140124 0.088015 0.437410 0.173148
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B STAD Del 4.555516 0.104583 0.396248 0.190476
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B UCEC Amp 0.658431 0.101586 0.556581 0.183673
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B UVM Amp 3.966451 0.349455 1.179083 0.562500
ENSG00000112739 PRPF4B OV Amp 5.683054 0.465462 0.751836 0.474957