Ensembl ID ENSG00000105373 Gene ID 29997 Accession 4333
Gene Symbol NOP53 Alias PICT1;PICT-1;GLTSCR2 Full Name NOP53 ribosome biogenesis factor
Position 19 : 47745546 - 47757058 Length 11513 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsrRNARBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary Enables 5S rRNA binding activity; identical protein binding activity; and p53 binding activity. Involved in several processes, including negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; regulation of cellular protein metabolic process; and regulation of intracellular signal transduction. Located in cytosol; fibrillar center; and nucleoplasm. Colocalizes with rDNA heterochromatin. [provided by Alliance of Genome Resources, Apr 2022]

ENSG00000105373 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 0.92 4.60e-32 KIRC
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 -0.8 2.71e-13 HNSC
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 -0.8 4.45e-11 STAD
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 15355975
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 16971513
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 pancreatic tumor 17356710
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 17657248
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 17982636
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 head-and-neck cancer 18491091
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumour 18729076
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 cancer 19184418
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 Tumor 19266097
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumors 19849863
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 20042497
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 20185249
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 colon cancer 20574924
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumour 21167305
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 21741933
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 21804542
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 cancer 21907918
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 22292050
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 cancers 22320853
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 cancer 22522597
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 cancer 22850112
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 colonic tumors 23118901
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 prostatic cancer 23920125
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 23942755
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 gastric cancer 24045667
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 breast cancer 24054033
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 24120868
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 24710530
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 24735870
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 24928548
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 cancer 25118835
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 25594032
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 cervical cancer 25818168
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 25956029
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 26202611
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 26317469
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 prostate cancer 26489631
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 26724143
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 26903295
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 27323397
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 cancer 27357325
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 27657931
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 cancers 27729611
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 27829214
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 uterine cervical cancer 27996172
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 28846478
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 28921546
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 prostate cancer 29344190
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 Endometrial Cancer 29617699
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 29677136
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 30105457
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 Cervical Cancer 30421090
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 colon cancer 30637700
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumour 31357498
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 breast cancer 31489452
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 Medullary Thyroid Cancer 31703244
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 tumor 6776244
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 MESO 0.045 high
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 UVM 0.016 low
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 PAAD 0.0027 low
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 UCEC 0.00014 low
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 ACC 0.0039 high
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 LGG 0.00057 low
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 KIRP 0.033 high
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 KICH 0.00075 low
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 PCPG 0.0049 high
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 THYM 0.016 low
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 BRCA 0.002 low
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 COAD 0.0034 high
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 ESCA 0.0024 high
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 OV 0.026 high
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 DLBC 0.0096 low
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 KIRC 0.025 high
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 BLCA 0.0096 low
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 GBM 0.0054 low
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 LUSC Del 5.083009 0.114100 0.369309 0.295409
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 LUAD Del 3.288352 0.079520 0.322667 0.379845
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 LGG Del 15.382333 0.131480 0.664421 0.497076
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 CESC Del 1.057592 0.074501 0.438431 0.122034
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 UCS Del 0.904893 0.218463 0.475836 0.303571
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 SARC Del 3.812073 0.195467 0.464065 0.330739
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 GBM Del 10.342636 0.127404 0.528961 0.155979
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 PAAD Del 0.892302 0.049425 0.309122 0.125000
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 TGCT Del 1.666287 0.080116 0.343644 0.386667
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 UCEC Del 1.511339 0.058250 0.465310 0.115028
ENSG00000105373 NOP53 OV Del 15.347967 0.346672 0.579208 0.516408