Ensembl ID ENSG00000104897 Gene ID 8175 Accession 10766
Gene Symbol SF3A2 Alias PRP11;SAP62;PRPF11;SF3a66 Full Name splicing factor 3a subunit 2
Position 19 : 2236824 - 2248655 Length 11832 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAssnRNARBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary This gene encodes subunit 2 of the splicing factor 3a protein complex. The splicing factor 3a heterotrimer includes subunits 1, 2 and 3 and is necessary for the in vitro conversion of 15S U2 snRNP into an active 17S particle that performs pre-mRNA splicing. Subunit 2 interacts with subunit 1 through its amino-terminus while the single zinc finger domain of subunit 2 plays a role in its binding to the 15S U2 snRNP. Subunit 2 may also function independently of its RNA splicing function as a microtubule-binding protein. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

ENSG00000104897 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 0.96 4.70e-35 KIRC
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 0.41 8.47e-11 BRCA
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 0.63 6.81e-14 LUSC
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 0.93 6.24e-18 LIHC
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 MESO 0.0035 high
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 STAD 0.0038 low
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 CHOL 0.024 low
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 UVM 0.00015 low
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 PAAD 0.0047 low
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 UCEC 0.0029 low
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 LUSC 0.024 low
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 HNSC 0.047 low
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 KIRP 0.00014 high
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 LUAD 0.037 high
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 THYM 0.00025 low
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 BRCA 0.013 low
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 COAD 0.00079 high
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 KIRC 0.00035 high
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 LAML 0.0028 high
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 CESC 0.0033 low
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 LUSC Del 7.464338 0.132684 0.356306 0.449102
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 LUAD Del 3.662508 0.082458 0.351362 0.536822
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 CESC Del 11.780665 0.191207 0.486667 0.332203
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 KIRP Del 0.742956 0.027442 0.390794 0.076389
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 READ Del 0.637830 0.068240 0.347884 0.212121
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 COAD Del 1.548084 0.051612 0.393233 0.130820
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 UCS Del 12.450764 0.800388 0.629239 0.803571
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 SARC Del 2.036982 0.157974 0.429677 0.198444
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 GBM Amp 0.879667 0.070802 0.544702 0.414211
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 PAAD Del 2.088264 0.072373 0.357377 0.195652
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 ESCA Del 4.213760 0.182991 0.354616 0.516304
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 SKCM Del 0.907370 0.069915 0.335983 0.269755
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 THCA Del 0.928265 0.010197 0.678144 0.014028
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 HNSC Del 12.711505 0.135850 0.358891 0.318008
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 LIHC Del 5.811411 0.129625 0.466029 0.240541
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 BLCA Del 4.216189 0.125513 0.334365 0.350490
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 BRCA Del 26.723431 0.167911 0.401585 0.329630
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 STAD Del 3.080179 0.090835 0.362118 0.369615
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 UCEC Del 44.465738 0.262929 0.604793 0.272727
ENSG00000104897 SF3A2 OV Del 132.562339 0.925956 0.654263 0.880829