Ensembl ID ENSG00000104889 Gene ID 10535 Accession 18518
Gene Symbol RNASEH2A Alias AGS4;JUNB;RNHL;RNHIA;THSD8;RNASEHI Full Name ribonuclease H2 subunit A
Position 19 : 12806584 - 12813640 Length 7057 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsdiverseRBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary The protein encoded by this gene is a component of the heterotrimeric type II ribonuclease H enzyme (RNAseH2). RNAseH2 is the major source of ribonuclease H activity in mammalian cells and endonucleolytically cleaves ribonucleotides. It is predicted to remove Okazaki fragment RNA primers during lagging strand DNA synthesis and to excise single ribonucleotides from DNA-DNA duplexes. Mutations in this gene cause Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome (AGS), a an autosomal recessive neurological disorder characterized by progressive microcephaly and psychomotor retardation, intracranial calcifications, elevated levels of interferon-alpha and white blood cells in the cerebrospinal fluid.[provided by RefSeq, Aug 2009]

ENSG00000104889 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 0.87 8.40e-29 KIRC
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 1.26 4.74e-26 HNSC
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 1.44 1.70e-16 BLCA
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 1.79 8.30e-122 BRCA
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 1.47 1.20e-33 COAD
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 1.52 3.40e-11 READ
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 2.25 3.32e-97 LUSC
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 2.33 7.81e-13 GBM
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 1.01 3.34e-18 KIRP
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 1.87 7.62e-45 LIHC
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 2.01 4.40e-46 UCEC
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 1.69 2.15e-13 ESCA
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 2.82 7.41e-11 CESC
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A 1.28 4.73e-29 LUAD
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A cancer 19139135
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A tumour 19812674
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A prostate cancer 25411967
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A cancer 26603688
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A colorectal tumor 27988520
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A cancer 29642758
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A colorectal cancer 29651323
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A tumor 29843367
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A tumours 29973717
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A tumor 30273559
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A cancer 30696738
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A MESO 0.001 high
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A SARC 0.0082 high
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A STAD 0.0031 low
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A PAAD 0.0032 high
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A UCEC 0.027 low
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A THCA 0.042 low
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A LUSC 0.004 low
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A HNSC 0.032 low
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A READ 0.016 low
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A LUAD 0.0033 high
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A PCPG 0.00022 high
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A THYM 0.0064 low
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A BRCA 0.024 low
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A COAD 0.0042 low
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A OV 0.00015 low
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A DLBC 0.029 low
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A KIRC 0.00037 high
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A TGCT 0.045 low
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A LAML 0.00014 high
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A GBM 0.033 low
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A SKCM 0.0068 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A LUAD Del 0.964156 0.054972 0.341686 0.523256
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A CESC Amp 0.762300 0.130443 0.643982 0.138983
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A LIHC Del 2.310967 0.089831 0.440450 0.216216
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A UCEC Amp 7.689483 0.218731 0.798322 0.165121
ENSG00000104889 RNASEH2A OV Amp 18.622374 0.677194 0.947378 0.454231