Ensembl ID ENSG00000100207 Gene ID 6942 Accession 11631
Gene Symbol TCF20 Alias AR1;SPBP;DDVIBA;TCF-20 Full Name transcription factor 20
Position 22 : 42160013 - 42343616 Length 183604 bases Strand Minus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsN.A.RBP type Non-canonical_RBPs
Summary This gene encodes a transcription factor that recognizes the platelet-derived growth factor-responsive element in the matrix metalloproteinase 3 promoter. The encoded protein is thought to be a transcriptional coactivator, enhancing the activity of transcription factors such as JUN and SP1. Mutations in this gene are associated with autism spectrum disorders. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Sep 2015]

ENSG00000100207 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 0.62 3.16e-11 KICH
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 1.05 5.94e-30 LUSC
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 breast tumors 15831449
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 breast tumors 16604168
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 prostate cancer 21935435
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 tumor 25908786
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 breast cancer 28458685
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 tumor 29467924
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 SARC 0.0075 high
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 STAD 0.0021 low
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 PAAD 0.0018 high
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 UCEC 0.014 high
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 ACC 0.0015 high
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 LGG 0.00013 low
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 LUSC 0.025 low
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 HNSC 0.0077 low
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 READ 0.00024 low
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 KICH 0.0096 high
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 LUAD 0.049 high
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 PCPG 0.0013 low
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 BRCA 0.047 low
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 COAD 0.016 high
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 ESCA 0.0029 low
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 OV 0.013 high
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 KIRC 0.0011 low
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 PRAD 0.035 high
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 CESC 0.017 low
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 LIHC 0.0011 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 UCS Del 0.935815 0.222330 0.614918 0.660714
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 GBM Del 1.682789 0.063983 0.591094 0.346620
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 SKCM Amp 6.109379 0.270539 0.695380 0.395095
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 PCPG Del 0.629423 0.056137 0.621151 0.401235
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 BLCA Del 0.709542 0.076688 0.367793 0.441176
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 UCEC Del 5.137381 0.089585 0.574930 0.244898
ENSG00000100207 TCF20 OV Del 12.181011 0.319933 0.675193 0.832470