Ensembl ID ENSG00000083635 Gene ID 26747 Accession 8057
Gene Symbol NUFIP1 Alias Rsa1;NUFIP;bA540M5.1 Full Name nuclear FMR1 interacting protein 1
Position 13 : 44939249 - 44989471 Length 50223 bases Strand Minus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAssnoRNARBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary This gene encodes a nuclear RNA binding protein that contains a C2H2 zinc finger motif and a nuclear localization signal. This protein is associated with the nuclear matrix in perichromatin fibrils and, in neurons, localizes to the cytoplasm in association with endoplasmic reticulum ribosomes. This protein interacts with the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), the tumor suppressor protein BRCA1, upregulates RNA polymerase II transcription, and is involved in box C/D snoRNP biogenesis. A pseudogene of this gene resides on chromosome 6q12. [provided by RefSeq, Feb 2012]

ENSG00000083635 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 1.34 1.31e-36 COAD
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 1.32 5.74e-12 READ
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 0.54 2.60e-13 LUSC
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 tumors 24147068
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 SARC 0.031 high
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 STAD 0.043 low
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 CHOL 0.00095 high
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 THCA 0.032 high
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 ACC 0.0033 high
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 LGG 0.008 low
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 LUSC 0.0094 low
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 HNSC 0.0023 high
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 READ 0.02 low
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 KIRP 0.0019 high
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 KICH 0.043 high
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 LUAD 0.036 high
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 PCPG 0.032 low
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 OV 0.0093 high
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 DLBC 5e-04 low
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 TGCT 0.05 low
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 BLCA 0.002 high
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 GBM 0.0053 low
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 CESC 0.0048 high
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 LIHC 0.024 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 LUSC Del 4.212108 0.105888 0.383349 0.688623
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 LUAD Del 2.123787 0.068610 0.328122 0.556202
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 LGG Del 3.113203 0.061625 0.445277 0.270955
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 CESC Del 16.466301 0.227907 0.502548 0.393220
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 READ Amp 0.728557 0.124766 1.040186 0.690909
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 COAD Amp 5.609504 0.150163 0.912866 0.589800
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 SARC Del 15.574439 0.363973 0.620075 0.645914
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 GBM Del 9.807325 0.124214 0.581847 0.395147
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 THCA Del 1.388871 0.012150 0.589039 0.036072
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 HNSC Del 12.828576 0.136472 0.409048 0.423372
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 LIHC Del 22.952246 0.255447 0.609981 0.472973
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 BLCA Del 15.452813 0.219449 0.452585 0.330882
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 BRCA Del 16.575078 0.137938 0.492907 0.459259
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 PRAD Del 71.017261 0.405334 0.547924 0.457317
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 UCEC Del 1.206018 0.054635 0.527276 0.191095
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 MESO Del 1.507834 0.156798 0.474374 0.482759
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 KIRC Del 0.712232 0.024606 0.355168 0.153409
ENSG00000083635 NUFIP1 OV Del 4.461216 0.239903 0.627012 0.626943