Ensembl ID ENSG00000073536 Gene ID 54475 Accession 19889
Gene Symbol NLE1 Alias NLE Full Name notchless homolog 1
Position 17 : 35128730 - 35142304 Length 13575 bases Strand Minus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsN.A.RBP type Non-canonical_RBPs
Summary Predicted to be involved in Notch signaling pathway and ribosomal large subunit assembly. Predicted to act upstream of or within several processes, including chordate embryonic development; hematopoietic stem cell homeostasis; and regulation of signal transduction. Located in nucleolus and nucleoplasm. [provided by Alliance of Genome Resources, Apr 2022]

ENSG00000073536 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 0.63 1.01e-24 KIRC
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 1.25 3.35e-35 COAD
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 1.42 9.21e-13 READ
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 1.11 8.12e-36 LUSC
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 0.70 9.53e-24 PRAD
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 0.79 1.39e-12 LIHC
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 0.92 2.41e-31 LUAD
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 cancer 31867042
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 MESO 0.011 high
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 SARC 4e-04 high
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 STAD 0.021 low
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 UVM 0.0018 low
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 ACC 0.0044 high
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 LGG 0.0055 low
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 HNSC 0.021 high
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 KIRP 0.003 low
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 KICH 0.018 high
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 LUAD 0.041 high
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 PCPG 0.028 high
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 THYM 0.002 low
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 BRCA 0.014 high
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 ESCA 0.027 low
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 OV 0.014 high
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 KIRC 0.0015 low
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 PRAD 0.031 high
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 BLCA 0.00085 high
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 SKCM 0.012 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 ACC Del 0.674775 0.097438 0.540110 0.288889
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 SARC Del 1.693782 0.149970 0.436888 0.280156
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 PCPG Del 3.896226 0.115616 0.653533 0.222222
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 BRCA Del 5.152287 0.093429 0.433766 0.330556
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 STAD Amp 1.437661 0.154348 0.425811 0.229025
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 UCEC Del 3.181471 0.074118 0.588060 0.196660
ENSG00000073536 NLE1 OV Del 1.885513 0.200449 0.640883 0.837651