Ensembl ID ENSG00000063244 Gene ID 11338 Accession 23156
Gene Symbol U2AF2 Alias U2AF65 Full Name U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 2
Position 19 : 55654146 - 55674716 Length 20571 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAsmRNARBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary U2 auxiliary factor (U2AF), comprised of a large and a small subunit, is a non-snRNP protein required for the binding of U2 snRNP to the pre-mRNA branch site. This gene encodes the U2AF large subunit which contains a sequence-specific RNA-binding region with 3 RNA recognition motifs and an Arg/Ser-rich domain necessary for splicing. The large subunit binds to the polypyrimidine tract of introns early during spliceosome assembly. Multiple transcript variants have been detected for this gene, but the full-length natures of only two have been determined to date. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

ENSG00000063244 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 0.73 1.80e-55 BRCA
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 0.78 4.47e-34 LUSC
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 0.40 1.18e-13 LIHC
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 colorectal tumors 22682314
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 cancer 22792276
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 AML 23645565
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 pancreatic cancer 25174478
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 tumor 25642226
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 tumors 26406946
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 tumor 27041584
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 cancer 27720643
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 Cancer 28850223
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 colon cancers 29176719
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 tumors 29275860
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 non-small cell lung cancer 30662561
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 MESO 0.013 high
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 SARC 0.00027 high
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 STAD 0.003 low
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 UVM 0.0042 high
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 PAAD 0.027 low
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 UCEC 0.0061 low
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 ACC 0.0017 high
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 HNSC 0.026 high
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 KIRP 0.016 high
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 KICH 0.043 high
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 LUAD 0.0078 high
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 PCPG 0.049 high
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 THYM 0.0045 low
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 ESCA 0.028 high
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 KIRC 0.00014 high
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 PRAD 0.019 low
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 BLCA 0.022 low
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 LAML 0.043 high
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 GBM 0.042 low
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 SKCM 0.0034 high
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 LUSC Del 2.277323 0.086439 0.362944 0.253493
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 LUAD Del 0.957629 0.054972 0.322711 0.335271
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 LGG Del 27.315752 0.185085 0.661979 0.538012
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 CESC Amp 0.710411 0.128400 0.573174 0.318644
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 SARC Del 3.948542 0.197994 0.440839 0.338521
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 GBM Del 8.660394 0.117084 0.537322 0.143847
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 TGCT Del 1.074585 0.064959 0.339375 0.380000
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 DLBC Amp 1.472895 0.262236 0.709977 0.187500
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 BLCA Amp 1.833823 0.204550 0.489542 0.397059
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 BRCA Amp 2.523473 0.178414 0.533525 0.258333
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 UCEC Del 0.757541 0.048408 0.469947 0.103896
ENSG00000063244 U2AF2 OV Del 9.824579 0.298243 0.574185 0.452504