Ensembl ID ENSG00000055044 Gene ID 51602 Accession 29926
Gene Symbol NOP58 Alias NOP5;HSPC120;NOP5/NOP58 Full Name NOP58 ribonucleoprotein
Position 2 : 202265736 - 202303661 Length 37926 bases Strand Plus strand
Status Confidence Main interacting RNAssnoRNARBP type Canonical_RBPs
Summary The protein encoded by this gene is a core component of box C/D small nucleolar ribonucleoproteins. Some box C/D small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), such as U3, U8, and U14, are dependent upon the encoded protein for their synthesis. This protein is SUMOylated, which is necessary for high affinity binding to snoRNAs. [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2015]

ENSG00000055044 Expression In 33 Tumors

Ensembl ID Gene symbol Log2 Foldchange Pvaue Cancer
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 0.62 2.79e-32 BRCA
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 1.23 1.06e-45 COAD
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 1.08 1.22e-39 LUSC
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 0.41 1.51e-14 PRAD
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 0.93 1.02e-16 STAD
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 0.77 1.76e-32 LUAD
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer types Pubmed ID
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 lung tumors 24954872
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 AML 28103300
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 Wilms’ tumor 29900123
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Disease/phenotype Mutation type Mutated / Total samples Literature
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer P-value Which worse show
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 MESO 0.016 high
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 SARC 0.0033 high
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 STAD 0.016 low
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 UVM 0.0011 high
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 PAAD 0.0051 high
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 UCEC 0.0015 low
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 THCA 0.003 low
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 LGG 0.016 low
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 HNSC 0.028 high
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 READ 0.019 low
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 LUAD 0.01 high
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 PCPG 0.013 high
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 BRCA 0.02 high
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 COAD 0.035 high
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 UCS 0.012 high
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 ESCA 0.00033 high
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 OV 0.0027 low
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 PRAD 0.013 low
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 SKCM 3e-04 low
Ensembl ID Gene symbol Cancer CNV type -log10(q-value) G-score average amplitude frequency
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 LUSC Del 1.519792 0.077147 0.337238 0.171657
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 CESC Del 12.875053 0.200015 0.494745 0.291525
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 KIRP Amp 1.259300 0.072829 0.577568 0.170139
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 HNSC Del 9.297690 0.117806 0.351796 0.212644
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 BLCA Del 3.420769 0.116491 0.379050 0.360294
ENSG00000055044 NOP58 KIRC Del 1.053382 0.027066 0.530935 0.051136